CIRT Quarterly Safety Tip

CIRT Safety Tip This Quarter Involves

*Braking Distance*

Three factors determine your stopping distance;

> Perception Distance

> Reaction Distance

> Braking Distance

Vehicles equipped with air brakes adds a fourth factor known as Brake Lag Distance

Perception Distance is the distance your tow truck will travel from the time you see the hazard until your brain recognizes it

Perception Distance for a Alert Driver is about 3/4 of a second

At 55 MPH you will travel 60 feet in 3/4 of a second

Reaction Distance is the distance your tow truck will travel from the time your brain tells your foot to move from the accelerator until your foot starts to apply the brakes

Reaction Distance for a Alert Driver is about 3/4 of a second

At 55 MPH you will travel 60' in 3/4 of a second

Braking Distance is the distance your tow truck will travel from the time the brake is applied until the tow truck comes to a stop

At 55 MPH on dry pavement with good brakes, it can take a heavy vehicle about 5 seconds to come to a stop

Brake Lag Distance is the time required for the brake shoes to make contact with the brake drum and/or brake rotor after the air brake pedal is pushed